A total of 21 volunteers—participants in the competition, judges and members of the local symphony orchestra—were asked to put the instruments through their paces.
For a number of years afterwards, he traveled with his orchestra all over the United States. Many communities he visited had never heard a symphony orchestra play.
If you have a thick texture, it may be a whole big symphony orchestra who are playing with lots and lots of instruments, all playing lots and lots of different notes.
There's also a " mandolin, " another kind of guitar – or looks like a guitar, and a " bass, " which is something you would also see in a symphony orchestra.
Listen to this man, who is a concert master in a symphony orchestra, talking about his violin: Um, this violin, it was made around er, they figure around 1810 in Cremona, in Italy.
听听这个人, 他是交响的首席,谈论他的小提琴:嗯, 这把小提琴, 它是大约 er 周围制造的,他们估计是 1810 年左右意大利的克雷莫。
A " benefit (benefit) performance" – a " performance" is usually a show or, for example, you could have a symphony orchestra or a band or a play – all of these could be performances.
We might hear a symphony orchestra in one room and jazz in another. Will we have the luxury of having a maid do our cleaning or will that be unnecessary, as our home will become self-cleaning?
She lay on her stomach on the cold floor and thought. Later on — when she was twenty — she would be a great world-famous composer. She would have a whole symphony orchestra and conduct all of her music herself.